Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blenheim Apricot Jam

Blenheim apricots are a food treasure of the Santa Clara valley. Although they're small and often pale skinned with a green tinge, they're widely regarded to be the superior tasting apricot variety and have an incredible fragrance and intense flavor. Blenheim apricots are too delicate to ship and difficult to find even in California, but they're well worth seeking out.

I bought two flats of "jam quality" imperfect fruit from the C.J. Olsen Farmstand in Sunnyvale, CA last weekend. Andy's Orchard in Morgan Hill, CA is another local source for Blenheim apricots, and there are some farmers' market vendors who offer Blenheim apricots.

Since the harvest season for Blenheim apricots is only a few weeks for each orchard, I preserved my Blenheims by making jam. I learned to appreciate artisanal jams from buying small batch conserves and fruit butter from June Taylor's stand at the San Francisco Ferry Plaza Farmers' Market and eventually taking a jam making class with her last year.

I'm very pleased with the fresh-tasting but intensely flavored result of my jam making labors:

If you're interested in trying Blenheim apricot jam, June Taylor's very limited availability Blenheim apricot conserve is amazing. Although I haven't tried their product, welovejam offers an apricot jam, which has gotten great reviews.